Saturday, December 26, 2009

Recycling Tips after Christmas

A day after the Christmas is a good day to relax and to enjoy your gifts but it is also a good day to start a recycling project with your kids.  To teach them how to live GREEN and love our earth. 

There are many ways to recycle your wrapping paper, tissue paper, gift boxes, gift cards, pine cones, etc.  Don't throw away these great art & craft materials!  Many of gift boxes, tissue paper and wrapping paper can also be reuse for next year Christmas or other party.     

1. Party Popper - cut wrapping paper into small pieces; fill these colorful pieces inside a toilet paper roll.  Wrap the toilet paper with tissue paper or gift wrap and tie it up with ribbon.  Make enough for your New Year Eve party.

2. Christmas Ornament - the decorative pine cones can turn into Christmas Ormament for next year.  Have your kids color all the pine cones and decorate it.  Tie a ribbon on the top of the pine cones.  You can hang it up next year on the Christmas Tree. 

3. Stickers / Collage Art - even if  you can smooth out your wrapping paper  You can cut out the characters or patterns and use them as stickers, or collage art.  We usually collect these pieces in our collage material box.  It will come in handy. 

4. Homemade Christmas Card - we love to make homemade Christmas card using recycling materials.  Often we collect buttons, cotton balls, yarns, etc.  Let your kids design their very own Christmas greeting cards. 

There are many more fun activities you cam do with your kids by recycling. 

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