Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year Resolutions for Kids

2010 is only few days away.  Beside preparing a New Year Eve party, you can help your kids to write down their New Year Resolutions. 

American Academy of Pediatrics has a list of 21 Healthy New Year's Resolutions for Kids .

Depending on your kids' ages, write fewer resolutions for the younger kids.  The older kids, they can write more resolutions.    

Steps to have a successful New Year Resolutions:
1. List out resolutions on their favorite papers.  Repeat this twice, so they have two copies.
2. Hang one of the resolutions up in their room, by their desk or somewhere visable for them
3. For the next few days, have them read the resolutions once a day
4. On the New Year Eve, ask them what is their New Year Resolutions and then ask them to put one of the list inside an envelope.   
5. Parents save the envelope in a secret place.  On Dec 31, 2010, take the envelope out and see if your kids achieve their resolutions. 
6. The second copy will be used by parents.  Parents please read the second copy once in awhile throughout the year so you will remember your kids resolutions and help them to achieve them. 

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